She was such a good birthday girl after taking over a 3 hour nap before party time. We all sang Happy Birthday before blowing out the candle and letting her dig into her cake. My sister's mother in law made the adorable birthday cakes to go with our Look Whoo's Turning One theme.
Friday, November 25, 2011
Celebrating ONE Special Year!
She was such a good birthday girl after taking over a 3 hour nap before party time. We all sang Happy Birthday before blowing out the candle and letting her dig into her cake. My sister's mother in law made the adorable birthday cakes to go with our Look Whoo's Turning One theme.
Posted by Catherine at 10:07 PM 1 comments
Sunday, November 20, 2011
Avery's Baptism
Avery was baptized October 2nd at our church in Wilmington, Wesleyan Chapel United Methodist. Our co-pastors David and wife Andi, along with our whole church family have really been there for us since Avery's premature birth. This was a special day for everyone!
Posted by Catherine at 12:17 PM 0 comments
Catching Up - Sept & Oct 2011
I didn't mean to let so much time pass since the last post, but as usual we've been busy. Here are some miscellaneous pictures from September and October. I'm planning to do a separate post for Avery's baptism and her 1st birthday pictures, eventually!
Avery's 9 month pictures -
Avery graduated from her little tub to a bath seat in the big tub, which means she can take a bath with Caroline. They both love bath time together!

Caroline and friend Brianna followed by Margo at Brianna's 4th birthday party.

Travis and I took Caroline to the state fair while Grandma and Grandpa kept Avery one Sunday. Everyone had a great time!

We took the girls to pick out pumpkins and get some pictures. Avery wasn't too excited about this.

Caroline and Travis carved a couple of the pumpkins, and then we roasted the seeds.
Posted by Catherine at 11:40 AM 1 comments
Saturday, September 3, 2011
Growin' Girls
Caroline is still crazy about her baby sister and ALWAYS wants to help, here she's helping Avery sit up and play, but Avery doesn't need help sitting up anymore, she's doing that all on her own now!

"see, I can sit all by myself when my big sissy lets me!"
Posted by Catherine at 4:51 PM 2 comments
This post is long overdue, and there are lots of pictures to share, some of which haven't made it onto the computer yet, so I'll have to try to post again soon to get the most recent stuff on here. But these are a few from over the past month.
Caroline getting a little cuddle time with Grandpa or Peepa (she calls him both names.) Not sure if he's awake or asleep in this picture.
Posted by Catherine at 11:25 AM 2 comments
Monday, July 18, 2011
Lots of Firsts
First Food
Avery started spoon feedings recently. She had been putting everything in her mouth and watching intently when we were eating so we figured it was time. We started with rice cereal which she enjoyed, then a few days later tried oatmeal which she absolutely loves. Last night I tried some green beans, and she's not so sure about them...we'll try again tonight.First Time at Church
We took Avery to our church for the first time yesterday, we went to an earlier service so it wasn't as crowded as the 11:00 typically is. She stayed happy and awake the whole time, and her church family was thrilled to finally see her in person. She made her first appearance at Grandma's church a couple of weeks ago and was able to go to their nursery since Margo and one little boy were the only other ones in there. Below are a couple of shots of sisters just hanging out on a lazy Sunday afternoon.
Posted by Catherine at 6:28 AM 2 comments
Sunday, July 17, 2011
Caroline was getting some good laughs out of Avery the other day, they're both so sweet!
Posted by Catherine at 10:53 PM 2 comments
Thursday, June 30, 2011
Eight months old
Avery is growing up right before our eyes! I really cannot believe she's 8 months old already. She hasn't been weighed in over a month but has to be about 13 pounds now. She's wearing 3-6 month clothes and ready to graduate to size 2 diapers.
She loves to sit up (and spit up too :) ), she can't do it on her own yet but with support, she loves it. The girl loves to smile and "talk," all you have to do is look her way to get a sweet response from her. She doesn't always take long naps during the day, her best ones are in her swing......BUT she sleeps ALL night long! (Wish I could say the same for Caroline) AND since Father's Day, Avery has been sleeping in her crib at night, no more pack n play in my room, kind of sad :(
Posted by Catherine at 10:22 PM 1 comments