Lilypie Fifth Birthday tickers
Lilypie Premature Baby tickers

Friday, November 25, 2011

Celebrating ONE Special Year!

We celebrated Avery's 1st birthday October 30th. This year has been nothing short of amazing. At only 26 weeks 2 days gestation, avery was born weighing only 1 lb 8 oz, and today you would have no clue looking at her. She's a healthy, happy, 18 lb one year old!

She was such a good birthday girl after taking over a 3 hour nap before party time. We all sang Happy Birthday before blowing out the candle and letting her dig into her cake. My sister's mother in law made the adorable birthday cakes to go with our Look Whoo's Turning One theme.

Caroline didn't mind sampling the cake with Avery.

But Avery didn't need any help, she knew exactly what to do! That cake tasted just as good as it looked :)

Of course there were a lot of helpers to open presents with Avery.

Avery riding in her birthday present from us, she likes for Caroline to push her all around the house.

Precious one year old.

Sunday, November 20, 2011

Avery's Baptism

Avery was baptized October 2nd at our church in Wilmington, Wesleyan Chapel United Methodist. Our co-pastors David and wife Andi, along with our whole church family have really been there for us since Avery's premature birth. This was a special day for everyone!

Catching Up - Sept & Oct 2011

I didn't mean to let so much time pass since the last post, but as usual we've been busy. Here are some miscellaneous pictures from September and October. I'm planning to do a separate post for Avery's baptism and her 1st birthday pictures, eventually!

Avery's 9 month pictures -

Avery graduated from her little tub to a bath seat in the big tub, which means she can take a bath with Caroline. They both love bath time together!

Caroline and friend Brianna followed by Margo at Brianna's 4th birthday party.

Caroline had to have a cavity filled at the dentist, she was such a trooper. She wanted a picture of her with the elephant trunk (laughing gas mask) on. Notice she has her sidekick Rooty with her. It's a kangaroo with baby in pouch that her Great Aunt Nancy sent after Avery was born. It accompanies her often, including on her current trip to Wisconsin (pictures from WI will be posted one day too.)

Travis and I took Caroline to the state fair while Grandma and Grandpa kept Avery one Sunday. Everyone had a great time!

We took the girls to pick out pumpkins and get some pictures. Avery wasn't too excited about this.

Caroline and Travis carved a couple of the pumpkins, and then we roasted the seeds.

Halloween night was cold. Avery stayed warm in her chicken costume, and Caroline had to put on some layers under her Tinkerbell costume. We trunk or treated at the church where Caroline goes to preschool. They had over 50 cars with some elaborately decorated trunks and lots of candy!

Saturday, September 3, 2011

Growin' Girls

Caroline is still crazy about her baby sister and ALWAYS wants to help, here she's helping Avery sit up and play, but Avery doesn't need help sitting up anymore, she's doing that all on her own now!

Caroline and Avery rocking before bedtime, two sleepy girls.

Avery got to spend a couple of days with her good friend across the street, Zachary, while her regular baby sitter took some time off.

"see, I can sit all by myself when my big sissy lets me!"

Future piano player?

Loving the exersaucer (with bow on head so everybody will stop calling her a boy!)

Caroline just finished her 1st week at Northside Baptist Preschool and is loving it! Here she is posing before going in on her 1st day...such a big girl!

And waiting in the drop off area before going to her classroom. I didn't go all the way to her classroom with her because she was doing so well and I didn't want to chance any tears leaving her in the classroom (from her or me.)


This post is long overdue, and there are lots of pictures to share, some of which haven't made it onto the computer yet, so I'll have to try to post again soon to get the most recent stuff on here. But these are a few from over the past month.
Caroline getting a little cuddle time with Grandpa or Peepa (she calls him both names.) Not sure if he's awake or asleep in this picture.

Taking a bath with cousin Brayden after a VERY WINDY day at the beach. Thanks to Grandma for staying home with Avery so we could go to the beach.

Caroline at one of the many pool parties we've been to this summer. This girl loves swimming in the pool now!

Avery met Travis's cousin Toby a few weeks ago, and she was mistaken for his child when we were all at a restaurant. I guess it must be the hair...or lack thereof. :) Although his new baby girl has a beautiful head full of hair?

And Avery now loves to roll all over the place. Put her on the floor and she'll roll from one side of the room to the other in no time. This day she made it all the way under her crib. Now she is really starting to stretch and reach for toys out of her grasp, trying to figure out how to scoot her way to it, so I think she'll be crawling before too long...I'm not rushing it though.

And she discovered her toes. They are her favorite toy on the changing table and in while in her car seat now.

She's become a pro at eating her baby food, she can now pick up puffs (similar to cheerios) and get those to her mouth on her own too. And she's trying to figure out what to do with this sippy cup, mostly just banging it around and throwing it on the floor at this point.

That's all for now, but I will try to post more soon so stay tuned....

Monday, July 18, 2011

Lots of Firsts

First Food
Avery started spoon feedings recently. She had been putting everything in her mouth and watching intently when we were eating so we figured it was time. We started with rice cereal which she enjoyed, then a few days later tried oatmeal which she absolutely loves. Last night I tried some green beans, and she's not so sure about them...we'll try again tonight.
First Time at Church
We took Avery to our church for the first time yesterday, we went to an earlier service so it wasn't as crowded as the 11:00 typically is. She stayed happy and awake the whole time, and her church family was thrilled to finally see her in person. She made her first appearance at Grandma's church a couple of weeks ago and was able to go to their nursery since Margo and one little boy were the only other ones in there. Below are a couple of shots of sisters just hanging out on a lazy Sunday afternoon.

First July 4th

We had a busy July 4th weekend. That Friday Caroline's daycare did the annual July 4th parade. Each class makes some sort of decoration to carry as they march around the parking lot to patriotic music. Afterwards they all enjoy a cool treat too. Caroline wanted me to march with her, then of course wanted to go home early since I was there...unfortunately for both of us, I had to go back to work.

Saturday we headed to Smithfield for Margo's birthday party and to spend a couple of nights at Grandma's house.

Monday morning was the July 4th parade in Grandma's neighborhood. We decorated Caroline's bicycle and she rode right behind the fire truck for the whole thing. In this picture, Lydia, Caroline, and Madeline are bringing up the rear.

Caroline wanted to pose by the fire truck afterwards.

Avery didn't stroll in the parade, but she came outside to wave everyone on with Grandma and then came down the street for the celebration after the parade.

Avery went to the NICU follow up clinic last week. She weighed 13 lbs 11 oz and was 24 inches long. A psychologist and physical therapist played with her for a while to evaluate her development. She fell into the 6 month age level for both of their criteria, which is great based on her adjusted age of 5 months. There was a new doctor that we had not met before, but he was impressed with her weight gain and her development. They will continue to monitor her, and we're scheduled to go back in 3 months. After her appointment, we went by the NICU and visited a few of the nurses and doctors who were working that day, they were happy to see Avery and her fat rolls! Going back and talking with them makes it seem like we were just there, hard to believe she's been home over 5 months already!

Sunday, July 17, 2011


Caroline was getting some good laughs out of Avery the other day, they're both so sweet!

Thursday, June 30, 2011

Eight months old

Avery is growing up right before our eyes! I really cannot believe she's 8 months old already. She hasn't been weighed in over a month but has to be about 13 pounds now. She's wearing 3-6 month clothes and ready to graduate to size 2 diapers.

She loves to sit up (and spit up too :) ), she can't do it on her own yet but with support, she loves it. The girl loves to smile and "talk," all you have to do is look her way to get a sweet response from her.
She doesn't always take long naps during the day, her best ones are in her swing......BUT she sleeps ALL night long! (Wish I could say the same for Caroline) AND since Father's Day, Avery has been sleeping in her crib at night, no more pack n play in my room, kind of sad :(

She's really made a lot of progress when it comes to tummy time. She's not always crazy about getting on her tummy, but in the last few weeks she has really started picking up her head while on her tummy.

And Caroline still can't get enough of Avery, she likes to be by her side (or in her face) all the time, and I think the feeling is mutual most of the time. Avery watches every move her big sissy makes, just taking it all in.

Sisters snuggling after church in Caroline's room.

Most recently Avery has started joining us at the table. I got out the high chair for her although she's not eating yet, but she enjoys being at eye level with the family rather than in her bouncy seat on the floor during meals.

And below is Caroline showing off her catch from a Father's Day weekend fishing trip with her Daddy. Travis and her took off to Lake Waccamaw for the day and caught all these fish. Caroline even learned to put them on the stringer (yuck!) She had a ball and even saw some alligators a little closer up than Mommy liked.