Avery is growing up right before our eyes! I really cannot believe she's 8 months old already. She hasn't been weighed in over a month but has to be about 13 pounds now. She's wearing 3-6 month clothes and ready to graduate to size 2 diapers.
She loves to sit up (and spit up too :) ), she can't do it on her own yet but with support, she loves it. The girl loves to smile and "talk," all you have to do is look her way to get a sweet response from her.
She doesn't always take long naps during the day, her best ones are in her swing......BUT she sleeps ALL night long! (Wish I could say the same for Caroline) AND since Father's Day, Avery has been sleeping in her crib at night, no more pack n play in my room, kind of sad :(

She's really made a lot of progress when it comes to tummy time. She's not always crazy about getting on her tummy, but in the last few weeks she has really started picking up her head while on her tummy.

And Caroline still can't get enough of Avery, she likes to be by her side (or in her face) all the time, and I think the feeling is mutual most of the time. Avery watches every move her big sissy makes, just taking it all in.

Sisters snuggling after church in Caroline's room.

Most recently Avery has started joining us at the table. I got out the high chair for her although she's not eating yet, but she enjoys being at eye level with the family rather than in her bouncy seat on the floor during meals.

And below is Caroline showing off her catch from a Father's Day weekend fishing trip with her Daddy. Travis and her took off to Lake Waccamaw for the day and caught all these fish. Caroline even learned to put them on the stringer (yuck!) She had a ball and even saw some alligators a little closer up than Mommy liked.
Can't wait to get my hands on those girls this weekend! I will buy extra blueberries today. Such cuties!
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