This post is long overdue, and there are lots of pictures to share, some of which haven't made it onto the computer yet, so I'll have to try to post again soon to get the most recent stuff on here. But these are a few from over the past month.
Caroline getting a little cuddle time with Grandpa or Peepa (she calls him both names.) Not sure if he's awake or asleep in this picture.

Taking a bath with cousin Brayden after a VERY WINDY day at the beach. Thanks to Grandma for staying home with Avery so we could go to the beach.

Caroline at one of the many pool parties we've been to this summer. This girl loves swimming in the pool now!

Avery met Travis's cousin Toby a few weeks ago, and she was mistaken for his child when we were all at a restaurant. I guess it must be the hair...or lack thereof. :) Although his new baby girl has a beautiful head full of hair?

And Avery now loves to roll all over the place. Put her on the floor and she'll roll from one side of the room to the other in no time. This day she made it all the way under her crib. Now she is really starting to stretch and reach for toys out of her grasp, trying to figure out how to scoot her way to it, so I think she'll be crawling before too long...I'm not rushing it though.

And she discovered her toes. They are her favorite toy on the changing table and in while in her car seat now.

She's become a pro at eating her baby food, she can now pick up puffs (similar to cheerios) and get those to her mouth on her own too. And she's trying to figure out what to do with this sippy cup, mostly just banging it around and throwing it on the floor at this point.
That's all for now, but I will try to post more soon so stay tuned....
I can almost guarantee that Grandpa was asleep, but he loved having Caroline cuddle with him as he slept. Love seeing her and watching Avery develop step by step.
Finally a post!! I need to see the girls soon...Avery is really growing up fast!
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