Travis planted a rather large garden this year for the first time. He's put a lot of time and hard work into it, and it's starting to pay off. He even got a new toy for working in his garden the other night - a used rotatiller found on Craigs List, it's older than we are but it's built to last and he's already put it to use.
A few huge cabbage plants, we've picked and boiled a couple of heads of cabbage already and they're good!
Neither of us really like tomatoes, but he planted 3 tomato plants anyways, so we'll have plenty to share with all those tomato lovers out there.

Can't have a garden without corn, it's getting tall.

Strawberry plants are starting to produce now, just in time since Lewis farms is running out of them.

From left to right - stawberries, beans, leaf lettuce, potatoes, heads of lettuce & carrots, corn, tomatoes and more corn, onions, cucumbers & squash. He's also got pumpkins, watermelon, and zuchinni in other areas of the yard too.

We've already had one squash casserole fresh from the garden, and now we've got enough squash for another one plus some.

Cucumbers have taken off since this picture was taken, Travis brought in 2 good sized ones tonight.

The bean plants were the hardest to get going, he had to re-plant most of them, but they're finally starting to produce.

Caroline helped pick the first batch of potatoes, she was picking them of all sizes, some a little too small probably, but they all tasted good!

Caroline showing off some squash from the garden.

Not unlike the vegetables in the garden, Avery continues to grow too. She's about 11 1/2 lbs now! All that growing is hard work which can make her sleepy as shown below. :)
I'm impressed with the garden... I had to replant my beans 4 times.. the rabbits were eating them so I planted cloves of garlic with them the 4th time and they are finally starting, again. I would also agree they are the hardest. I still don't have cucumbers..and only green tomatoes. I wish I'd done potatoes.. I bet your fruit will be really good, I've heard that the closet to the coast the sweeter...LOOKS GREAT!! I love Gardening. I'm GLAD Avery is growing too!!!
The garden looks great...I'm impressed! I'll have to get some fresh food when we're down next weekend.
Your mother likes tomatoes! and squash and beans and cucumbers and . . . but she likes growing little (and big) girls the best! I am glad Travis is enjoying success after all his hard work.
wow! the garden looks great. i can really tell a difference since the last time we visited. keep up the good work :)
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