Today we pulled of the impossible, a picture of all 6 grandchildren with Grandma and Grandpa as we celebrated Grandpa's birthday. As you can see cake and ice cream were involved, how else can you get these 6 still and happy at the same time long enough to take a picture?!
Team AVeryTinyBlessing
L to R: Gina Grimes, David Grimes, Leslie Parr, Genie Grimes, Terri, Kelsey, Catherine Huffman, Christi Monroe In strollers L to R: Margo, Brayden, Caroline

Gina, David, and Margo

Terri and Kelsey

Christi, Leslie and Brayden, Grandma and Caroline

Caroline had a "Sleepover" with her cousins the night before and didn't get much sleep, luckily she got a little in her stroller during the walk.

We participated in the March of Dimes March for Babies in Wilmington today. Team AVeryTinyBlessing raised over $800 for the March of Dimes to fund more research for premature babies. Hopefully it is something we can continue to do annually in honor of our special Avery. This year she actually sat out for the walk and stayed home with Daddy, Grandpa and her big cousins Madeline and Lydia. But next year I hope to take her with us when she can better tolerate a long stroller ride and being around a large group of folks.