Avery continues to grow and thrive at home this week, she'll go back to the doctor next week and I'm looking forward to seeing how much she weighs. She has outgrown most of her preemie size clothes and is officially wearing newborn sizes now, although she can't keep pants on her tiny waist.
Caroline got a new used power wheels this week, and today was the perfect day for a ride. No pink Barbie mustang for her, it's a black Harley Davidson Ford truck :-)

We had a few out of town visitors this week. Uncle Greg came by for a visit after working in Wilmington yesterday. He got to hold Avery for his first time.

Grandma spent Monday night with us and is probably in no hurry to stay overnight again...no one slept well that night. Avery is doing better about sleeping at night now, but just not in her bassinet. Usually she'll sleep in the bouncy seat or swing, but she always sleeps best in someone's arms!

And Buzz Lightyear came for a visit too!!

We have also had some unwanted visitors in the form of days diarrhea for Caroline, a nasty cold for me, and the flu for Travis. Avery has avoided all of our bugs so far, we're praying she continues to do so. The rest of us seem to be on the mend, so here's to hoping for better health next week for us!
glad to hear y'all are on the mend. hopefully the warmer weather will stick around and the girls can enjoy more outside time :-)
I can't wait to ride in the new Ford truck! And love on my girls, too, of course.
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