Hard to believe it's been a month since the last post, I don't know where the time has gone. Here's just a few pictures to summarize some of what we've done.
We enjoyed going to Fit for Fun with Adrienne and Zoe
My Grandma passed away May 9th, here Caroline is helping us pack to go to the funeral. She loves to buckle things, so she strapped herself in the suitcase. We celebrated my Mom's birthday in Smithfield and Caroline got some quality time in with her younger cousins, Margo and Brayden, while the older ones were at a movie. I think she's teaching them how to properly ride a rocking horse while drinking a cup of milk here.
Travis' cousin and family from South Dakota came down Memorial Day weekend. Caroline had her first bloody nose after meeting these cousins for the first time - she and Aspen accidentally collided while running on the beach in the dark.
Definitely shouldn't be another month before I post again, we'll have lots of birthday pics in a couple of weeks!