Caroline has really been talking more and more every week. Her vocabulary is growing and she's babbling a lot more. Her favorite word lately has been "showa" (shower), don't know why? She still loves putting on our "shoos" too.
We had a little bit of snow Tuesday, just enough to cover the ground and for Caroline to play in at the babysitter's house.

The cold weather was the perfect opportunity for her to wear the cute outfit that Grandma Jean made for her.
Caroline peed in the potty twice a couple of weeks ago but now she won't even sit on it. Oh well, it's a start. I hope she'll try again soon, the thought of her being out of diapers is very exciting!
I love the baby picture in the snow...seems like that was just yesterday! She's grown so much since then.
Grandma and Grandpa miss her and wish she could join in the merriment with the cousins more often. She is such a sweetie!
slow down, caroline. it's still hard for aunt gina to believe you're walking and talking, nevermind potty training! i'm sure madeline would love to assist you in potty training! keep up the good work. we miss you.
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