Lilypie Fifth Birthday tickers
Lilypie Premature Baby tickers

Sunday, October 19, 2008

Then there were five....

.....Grimes grandchildren, finally a boy to add to the mix. We spent the weekend in Smithfield and got to meet Brayden for the first time. He is precious, and Caroline loves him already. I think she likes not being the baby of the family now and enjoys her role as a big cousin. She kissed on the babies, Brayden and Margo this weekend and even helped Grandpa feed and burp Margo (unfortunately we don't have any pictures of that though). We can't wait to see everybody again!


Tabitha said...

I am Tabitha (Travis' cousin). my mom told me about the blog and I had to check it out. (I was trying to teach her how to use facebook and your blog came up.) Your daughter is beautiful. Please tell Travis that I said hi. I have not seen him in so long, but his mom keeps me up to date- we see her a couple times a year. Hope all is well.