Lilypie Fifth Birthday tickers
Lilypie Premature Baby tickers

Friday, November 25, 2011

Celebrating ONE Special Year!

We celebrated Avery's 1st birthday October 30th. This year has been nothing short of amazing. At only 26 weeks 2 days gestation, avery was born weighing only 1 lb 8 oz, and today you would have no clue looking at her. She's a healthy, happy, 18 lb one year old!

She was such a good birthday girl after taking over a 3 hour nap before party time. We all sang Happy Birthday before blowing out the candle and letting her dig into her cake. My sister's mother in law made the adorable birthday cakes to go with our Look Whoo's Turning One theme.

Caroline didn't mind sampling the cake with Avery.

But Avery didn't need any help, she knew exactly what to do! That cake tasted just as good as it looked :)

Of course there were a lot of helpers to open presents with Avery.

Avery riding in her birthday present from us, she likes for Caroline to push her all around the house.

Precious one year old.

Sunday, November 20, 2011

Avery's Baptism

Avery was baptized October 2nd at our church in Wilmington, Wesleyan Chapel United Methodist. Our co-pastors David and wife Andi, along with our whole church family have really been there for us since Avery's premature birth. This was a special day for everyone!

Catching Up - Sept & Oct 2011

I didn't mean to let so much time pass since the last post, but as usual we've been busy. Here are some miscellaneous pictures from September and October. I'm planning to do a separate post for Avery's baptism and her 1st birthday pictures, eventually!

Avery's 9 month pictures -

Avery graduated from her little tub to a bath seat in the big tub, which means she can take a bath with Caroline. They both love bath time together!

Caroline and friend Brianna followed by Margo at Brianna's 4th birthday party.

Caroline had to have a cavity filled at the dentist, she was such a trooper. She wanted a picture of her with the elephant trunk (laughing gas mask) on. Notice she has her sidekick Rooty with her. It's a kangaroo with baby in pouch that her Great Aunt Nancy sent after Avery was born. It accompanies her often, including on her current trip to Wisconsin (pictures from WI will be posted one day too.)

Travis and I took Caroline to the state fair while Grandma and Grandpa kept Avery one Sunday. Everyone had a great time!

We took the girls to pick out pumpkins and get some pictures. Avery wasn't too excited about this.

Caroline and Travis carved a couple of the pumpkins, and then we roasted the seeds.

Halloween night was cold. Avery stayed warm in her chicken costume, and Caroline had to put on some layers under her Tinkerbell costume. We trunk or treated at the church where Caroline goes to preschool. They had over 50 cars with some elaborately decorated trunks and lots of candy!