First Food
Avery started spoon feedings recently. She had been putting everything in her mouth and watching intently when we were eating so we figured it was time. We started with rice cereal which she enjoyed, then a few days later tried oatmeal which she absolutely loves. Last night I tried some green beans, and she's not so sure about them...we'll try again tonight.
First Time at Church
We took Avery to our church for the first time yesterday, we went to an earlier service so it wasn't as crowded as the 11:00 typically is. She stayed happy and awake the whole time, and her church family was thrilled to finally see her in person. She made her first appearance at Grandma's church a couple of weeks ago and was able to go to their nursery since Margo and one little boy were the only other ones in there. Below are a couple of shots of sisters just hanging out on a lazy Sunday afternoon.

First July 4th
We had a busy July 4th weekend. That Friday Caroline's daycare did the annual July 4th parade. Each class makes some sort of decoration to carry as they march around the parking lot to patriotic music. Afterwards they all enjoy a cool treat too. Caroline wanted me to march with her, then of course wanted to go home early since I was there...unfortunately for both of us, I had to go back to work.

Saturday we headed to Smithfield for Margo's birthday party and to spend a couple of nights at Grandma's house.

Monday morning was the July 4th parade in Grandma's neighborhood. We decorated Caroline's bicycle and she rode right behind the fire truck for the whole thing. In this picture, Lydia, Caroline, and Madeline are bringing up the rear.

Caroline wanted to pose by the fire truck afterwards.

Avery didn't stroll in the parade, but she came outside to wave everyone on with Grandma and then came down the street for the celebration after the parade.

Avery went to the NICU follow up clinic last week. She weighed 13 lbs 11 oz and was 24 inches long. A psychologist and physical therapist played with her for a while to evaluate her development. She fell into the 6 month age level for both of their criteria, which is great based on her adjusted age of 5 months. There was a new doctor that we had not met before, but he was impressed with her weight gain and her development. They will continue to monitor her, and we're scheduled to go back in 3 months. After her appointment, we went by the NICU and visited a few of the nurses and doctors who were working that day, they were happy to see Avery and her fat rolls! Going back and talking with them makes it seem like we were just there, hard to believe she's been home over 5 months already!