We had a very unusual snow in Wilmington this weekend. Caroline had a good time playing in the snow again and enjoyed making snow balls.
Maggie had fun frolicking in the snow too.

And this snow packed well allowing us to build a snow man.

We also went to the new house to see the latest progress. This is taken from the deck looking into the back yard.

Inside, the
sheet rock went up this week.

And this is our first "snow picture" of our house, may be a few years before the next snow picture since this doesn't happen often down here.

Unfortunately, Travis did not have such a good snow day. He was determined to go on a pheasant shoot that was postponed to today after the icy conditions a couple of weeks ago. He left home early this morning and was in an accident crossing the bridge leaving Wilmington. Luckily he is OK, but we're not sure if his truck will be fixed or considered a total loss.

I think he now understands that the South is just not equipped to keep the roads as clear as he's used to in Wisconsin, and that's why everybody freaks out and businesses close when there's a little bit of snow down here.