I've been super slack about taking and posting pictures obviously, but here's a few random shots taken during the past couple of weeks.
Caroline still loves jumping on her trampoline. She can now jump "high"!
As Travis predicted when we bought her a baby doll set complete with pack n play, she gets in it rather than putting her babies in there.

She enjoyed a visit with cousin Brayden, Aunt Leslie, and Uncle Greg and we gave bathtime with a boy another shot.

Looking serious and wise wearing Grandma's glasses when we spent a week there while I had trust training in Raleigh.

While in Smithfield she and Madeline and Lydia had a "dance recital" one night for cousin Maks. They danced to some old Beatles records wearing Aunt Leslie's old dance costumes (until those came off and she was dancing in just a diaper.)

Her new favorite breakfast is "cereal with milk." What a big girl!

She was sooo excited to go fishing with Daddy in the boat. Here she is posing before the big trip.

And demonstrating her technique.

She loves this ginormous puppy that Travis picked up for her (more clutter for our already cluttered house that we've been trying to declutter in order to sell.)

And this is a picture of the extended Thomas family (my mom's side) at Wiseman's View, beautiful setting where we spread my grandmother's ashes.

We are very excited that we have a contract on our house now, scheduled to close on September 28. We're purchasing a lot to build a house on, so now we have to find a place to rent for a few months until our new house is complete. I can't believe I don't know where we're going to live in a month!
Yesterday was our 8th wedding anniversary. Perfect anniversary gift was finding my wedding album that had been MIA for a couple of years. We didn't get to do anything to celebrate our anniversary because I had a meeting after work last night, but we're trying to find a babysitter this weekend so we can go out to dinner and a movie maybe.